Influence of worn on flow characteristics of aircraft engine labyrinth seals


Matveev Andrey A.,Tisarev Andrey Yu.,Falaleev Sergey V.,Mironova Kseniya A.


Labyrinth seals are currently the most common type of sealant in aircraft engines. The article proposes an approach to take into account the value of their cutting into the stator part when determining the air flow rate. The comparison of the results of calculation of characteristics of labyrinth seals taking into account cutting of seal combs into the stator part with the use of semi-empirical and numerical models is carried out. The nature of the change in air flow through the seal is revealed when the geometric parameters of the grooves in the stator part change as a result of wear of the actuated coating when the ridge of the labyrinth seal is inserted. The most effective semi-empirical models for calculating the characteristics of such seals for various wear patterns and gap sizes are proposed, as well as recommendations for their modernization to improve the accuracy of calculations.


Samara National Research University

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