Comparative analysis of osteopathic correction and standard comprehensive rehabilitation of patients with posttraumatic contractures of the upper limb joints


Zamanov A. R.1,Miroshnichenko D. B.2ORCID


1. Medical Center Osteopath

2. Saint-Petersburg State University


Introduction. Prolonged immobilization of the upper limb after various injuries leads to persistent contracture. Contractures of the upper limb joints are a severe orthopedic pathology that leads to a long-term decrease in working capacity and permanent disability. In the absence of treatment, the persistent changes in the articular elements can develop. Patients with contractures of the upper limb joints get treatment for a long time in polyclinics and hospitals, but the treatment does not always lead to the desired results. At the same time, an essential condition for treatment in outpatient medical institutions is the possibility of daily self-care and independent movement of the patient, as well as daily visits to a medical institution, but it is not always possible. In this regard, the search for treatment methods with comparable effectiveness, but requiring a signifi cantly smaller number of medical procedures and, accordingly, visits to specialized institutions, is relevant. Osteopathic correction could potentially be among these methods.The aim of the study is to compare the effectiveness of osteopathic correction and standard complex rehabilitation of patients with post-traumatic contractures of the upper limb joints.Materials and methods. The study involved 40 patients suffering from post-traumatic contractures of the upper extremities. Two groups were formed by the method of simple randomization: the main group (20 people who received osteopathic correction — 3 sessions with a frequency of 1 time in 7 days), and the control group (20 people who received standard complex rehabilitation, which included physiotherapy, physiotherapy exercises and mechanotherapy, daily for 10 days). The osteopathic status, the motion range of the upper limbs joints, and the hand muscles strength were assessed in all patients at the beginning and at the end of the study.Results. A statistically signifi cant (p<0,05) increase in the motion range and the hand muscles strength was found in both groups at the end of the study. In patients of the main group, receiving osteopathic correction, a statistically signifi cant decrease (p<0,05) in the detection frequency of some regional and local somatic dysfunctions was observed.Conclusion. The obtained results indicate the comparable results of the osteopathic correction of the upper limb joints post-traumatic contractures, and of the standard complex rehabilitation. Since osteopathic correction of post-traumatic contractures is carried out once every 7–10 days, it can be recommended for patients who, for various reasons, cannot regularly visit outpatient rehabilitation departments for a long time.


The Institute of the Osteopathy and Holistic Medicine

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