Сhange in the functional activity of fibroblasts in the process of modelling of compression, hypercapnia and hypoxia


Aptekar A. I.1,Kostolomova E. G.2,Sukhovey Y. G.3


1. Tyumen Institute of Manual Medicine

2. Tyumen State Medical University

3. Tyumen Branch of the Institute of Clinical Immunology


Introduction.In the genesis of the formation of somatic dysfunction, the leading role belongs to the reactions of the organism in the whole and of the connective tissue in particular. The main connective tissue cells are fibroblasts, possessing the full basic properties of cells.Goal of research— to examine changes in the functional activity of fibroblasts in the process of modelling of compression, hypercapnia and hypoxia.Materials and methods.During the experiment (in vitro), simulation of compression, hypercapnia and hypoxia in human fibroblast culture was carried out.Results.In response to simulated changes in environmental conditions, fibroblasts changed their local habitat (intercellular substance) by changing the balance of elastin and collagen, and adapted morphologically (by changing their shape). Compression and hypercapnia had the most damaging effect on the main cells of the connective tissueConclusion.Determining of the dependence of the reaction of fibroblasts on damaging effects can form the basis for justifying the sequence of the use of methods aimed to eliminate connective tissue disorders in the process of osteopathic correction (decompression, reduction of edema and hypoxia).


The Institute of the Osteopathy and Holistic Medicine

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