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金属学报  2024, Vol. 60 Issue (5): 616-626    DOI: 10.11900/0412.1961.2022.00558
  研究论文 本期目录 | 过刊浏览 |
700℃时效对9Cr ODS钢微观组织和力学性能的影响
汪建强1,2,3, 刘威峰4, 刘生2,3, 徐斌2,3, 孙明月2,3(), 李殿中3
1 中国科学技术大学 材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110016
2 中国科学院金属研究所 中国科学院核用材料与安全评价重点实验室 沈阳 110016
3 中国科学院金属研究所 沈阳材料科学国家研究中心 沈阳 110016
4 北京理工大学 重庆创新中心 重庆 401135
Effect of Aging Treatment at 700oC on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of 9Cr ODS Steel
WANG Jianqiang1,2,3, LIU Weifeng4, LIU Sheng2,3, XU Bin2,3, SUN Mingyue2,3(), LI Dianzhong3
1 School of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Science and Technology of China, Shenyang 110016, China
2 CAS Key Laboratory of Nuclear Materials and Safety Assessment, Institute of Metal Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shenyang 110016, China
3 Shenyang National Laboratory for Materials Science, Institute of Metal Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shenyang 110016, China
4 Chongqing Innovation Center, Beijing Institute of Technology, Chongqing 401135, China

汪建强, 刘威峰, 刘生, 徐斌, 孙明月, 李殿中. 700℃时效对9Cr ODS钢微观组织和力学性能的影响[J]. 金属学报, 2024, 60(5): 616-626.
Jianqiang WANG, Weifeng LIU, Sheng LIU, Bin XU, Mingyue SUN, Dianzhong LI. Effect of Aging Treatment at 700oC on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of 9Cr ODS Steel[J]. Acta Metall Sin, 2024, 60(5): 616-626.

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为探究近服役温度时效行为对ODS钢微观组织和力学性能的影响,通过SEM、TEM和拉伸性能测试等方法,研究了9Cr ODS钢在700℃时效不同时间后的碳化物(M23C6)、纳米氧化物演变和力学性能变化。结果表明:在时效初期(≤ 200 h),M23C6在晶界处呈条带状快速析出并聚集长大,纳米氧化物无明显变化;在时效中期(200和1000 h),M23C6和纳米氧化物稳定长大;在时效后期(2000和3000 h),M23C6达到亚微米级,纳米氧化物的平均尺寸和数密度趋于稳定,与初始态相比,其平均尺寸的增长率为19.7%,数密度的下降率为27.1%。因纳米氧化物对不断增殖位错的钉扎,在部分晶粒内出现了位错胞和回复亚晶。9Cr ODS钢的拉伸强度在时效初期快速下降。在时效中后期,虽然纳米氧化物平均尺寸增加、数密度降低,但其钉扎作用仍然显著,以及基体中不断增殖的位错使得材料的拉伸强度维持稳定,延伸率在时效1000和2000 h期间处于低谷。

关键词 9Cr ODS钢时效碳化物纳米氧化物力学性能    

Compared to second- and third-generation nuclear power systems, the Generation IV fission and future fusion reactors have higher service temperatures and irradiation doses, as well as harsher corrosive conditions and complex alternating loads. The structural materials for advanced reactors need to be researched and developed further. The oxide dispersion strengthened (ODS) steel has excellent high-temperature performance and irradiation resistance and is considered a promising structural material for advanced nuclear power systems. To reveal the effect of aging on microstructure and mechanical properties of ODS steel at near-service temperatures, the evolution of carbide M23C6 and nano-oxide particles (NPs) as well as the changes in the mechanical properties of 9Cr ODS steel after aging at 700oC for varying durations were studied using SEM, TEM, and tensile testing. M23C6 rapidly precipitated along grain boundaries, gradually aggregated, and grew during early aging (≤ 200 h). While the NPs showed no noticeable change. During the midstages of aging (200 and 1000 h), NPs and carbides grew stably. In the later stages of aging (2000 and 3000 h), carbide particles grew to the micron scale. The average size and number density of the NPs tended to be stable. Compared to the initial 9Cr ODS steel, the growth rate of the average size was 19.7%, and the reduction rate of the number density was 27.1%. Dislocation cells and recovered subgrains appeared within some grains because of the pinning effect of NPs on continuous proliferation dislocations. The tensile strength rapidly decreased at the initial stages of aging. In the intermediate and later stages of aging, although the average size of the NPs increased and the number density decreased, its pinning effect was still prominent. Continuous proliferation dislocations were observed in the matrix, so the tensile strength remained stable. Furthermore, the tensile elongation was low during aging time of 1000 and 2000 h.

Key words9Cr ODS steel    aging    carbide    nano-oxide particle    mechanical property
收稿日期: 2022-11-01     
ZTFLH:  TG142  
通讯作者: 孙明月,,主要从事特殊钢与大锻件均质化成形技术研究
Corresponding author: SUN Mingyue, professor, Tel: 13604076598, E-mail:
作者简介: 汪建强,男,1992年生,博士生
图1  9Cr ODS钢热等静压后的初始态显微组织及选区电子衍射(SAED)花样
图2  9Cr ODS钢在700℃时效不同时间后的SEM像
图3  9Cr ODS钢在700℃时效不同时间后的STEM像及M23C6平均尺寸
图4  9Cr ODS钢在700℃时效1000 h的STEM像、相应的EDS面扫描图及颗粒A的SAED花样
图5  9Cr ODS钢在700℃时效不同时间后的纳米氧化物及其周围位错形貌
图6  9Cr ODS钢在700℃时效不同时间后的纳米氧化物尺寸分布
图7  9Cr ODS钢在700℃时效不同时间后的工程应力-应变曲线及力学性能
图8  9Cr ODS钢初始态及在700℃时效不同时间后的室温拉伸断口形貌
表1  图8f中颗粒P1~P3的EDS结果
图9  9Cr ODS钢初始态及在700℃时效不同时间后纳米氧化物平均尺寸和数密度的变化
图10  9Cr ODS钢在700℃时效的微观组织演变示意图
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