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金属学报  2021, Vol. 57 Issue (2): 205-214    DOI: 10.11900/0412.1961.2020.00216
  研究论文 本期目录 | 过刊浏览 |
徐静辉1, 李龙飞1(), 刘心刚2, 李辉2, 冯强1
1.北京科技大学 新金属材料国家重点实验室 北京材料基因工程高精尖创新中心 北京 100083
2.中国科学院金属研究所 沈阳 110016
Thermal-Stress Coupling Effect on Microstructure Evolution of a Fourth-Generation Nickel-Based Single-Crystal Superalloy at 1100oC
XU Jinghui1, LI Longfei1(), LIU Xingang2, LI Hui2, FENG Qiang1
1.Beijing Innovation Center for Materials Genome Engineering, State Key Laboratory for Advanced Metals and Materials, University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing 100083, China
2.Institute of Metal Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shenyang 110016, China

徐静辉, 李龙飞, 刘心刚, 李辉, 冯强. 热力耦合对一种第四代镍基单晶高温合金1100℃蠕变组织演变的影响[J]. 金属学报, 2021, 57(2): 205-214.
Jinghui XU, Longfei LI, Xingang LIU, Hui LI, Qiang FENG. Thermal-Stress Coupling Effect on Microstructure Evolution of a Fourth-Generation Nickel-Based Single-Crystal Superalloy at 1100oC[J]. Acta Metall Sin, 2021, 57(2): 205-214.

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以一种第四代镍基单晶高温合金为研究对象,采用变截面蠕变试样,在1100℃、43~96 MPa条件下进行200 h蠕变中断实验,利用SEM和TEM观察了微观组织演变规律,利用同步辐射高能XRD和EPMA分析了高温低应力条件下镍基单晶高温合金的蠕变组织演变。结果表明:随着应力的增大,镍基单晶高温合金的γ′相体积分数降低,筏化程度增大且筏排厚度下降,同时,γ相通道宽度逐渐增大,而γ/γ'两相界面位错网间距逐渐减小。固溶强化元素Re、Mo和Cr等在γ相中的富集导致γ/γ'两相错配度绝对值增大。蠕变过程中γ'相体积分数降低和γ'相筏排厚度减小显著降低了合金的强度。另外,位错在γ′相溶解所导致的弯曲相界处的塞积,使位错易于切入γ′相,也是镍基单晶高温合金室温硬度下降的重要原因。

关键词 第四代镍基单晶高温合金高温低应力变截面蠕变组织演变γ′    

The mechanism of microstructure evolution and its effect on the mechanical properties of nickel-based single-crystal superalloys during creep at high temperatures and low stresses are critical to the development of advanced single-crystal superalloys for aeroengines with high thrust: weight ratios. In this work, the microstructural evolution of a fourth-generation nickel-based single-crystal superalloy during creep at 1100oC for 200 h at various stress levels was investigated using a specially designed sample with variable cross-sections, with the aim of obtaining different applied stresses synchronously on a single sample. The effects of applied stress on γ/γ' microstructure, interfacial dislocation configuration, alloy element partitioning behavior, and lattice misfit of γ/γ' phases of the used single-crystal superalloy were also studied, as were the effects on room temperature Vickers hardness. The results indicated that the typical rafting microstructure was formed during creep over the 200 h period at 1100oC under various stress levels. With increasing applied stress, the volume fraction and rafted thickness of the γ' phase gradually decreased, while the rafting degree of the γ' phase and the channel width of the γ phase gradually increased. A dense interfacial dislocation network was formed at the γ/γ' interface, and interfacial dislocation spacing decreased with increasing applied stress. Simultaneously, increased partitioning of solution-strengthening elements Re, Mo, and Cr to the γ phase and increased partitioning of γ'-strengthening element Ta to the γ' phase resulted in a larger absolute value of γ/γ' lattice misfit at higher stress. In addition to the decreases in volume fraction and rafted thickness of the γ' phase and the increase in channel width of the γ phase, another important factor in the strength decline of the single-crystal superalloy was the pile-up of dislocations at bent γ/γ' interface boundaries, mainly caused by the dissolution of the γ' phase and promotion of dislocation shear into the γ' phase. This work provides a basis for quickly establishing the relationship between creep conditions and microstructure evolution of nickel-based single-crystal superalloys.

Key wordsforth-generation nickel-based single-crystal superalloy    high temperature and low stress    variable cross-section creep    microstructure evolution    γ' phase
收稿日期: 2020-06-18     
ZTFLH:  TG132.32  
作者简介: 徐静辉,男,1989年生,博士生
图1  变截面蠕变试样尺寸示意图
图2  镍基单晶高温合金标准热处理后的显微组织
图3  镍基单晶高温合金在1100℃、130 MPa条件下的蠕变曲线(a) creep strain vs time (b) creep strain rate vs time
图4  镍基单晶高温合金在1100℃、130 MPa条件下蠕变断裂试样不同位置纵截面的枝晶干显微组织形貌(a) near the fracture (b) at 4 mm away from the fracture (uniform deformation zone)(c) at the trapezoid zone (d) the rupture specimen and positions for microstructure observations
图5  镍基单晶高温合金在1100℃、不同应力状态下蠕变200 h横截面枝晶干的显微组织(a) 43 MPa (b) 54 MPa (c) 71 MPa (d) 96 MPa
SpecimenVf / %ΩD / nmW / nm
VSC 43 MPa, 200 h58.5±1.70.284±0.061518±15442±45
VSC 54 MPa, 200 h57.9±0.80.334±0.048512±26453±25
VSC 71 MPa, 200 h56.7±1.40.518±0.032484±35481±32
VSC 96 MPa, 200 h55.9±1.50.602±0.053458±28488±21
Creep rupture 130 MPa, 231 h49.7±1.10.403±0.037365±46583±33
表1  镍基单晶高温合金在不同热力耦合条件下的显微组织参数定量统计
图6  镍基单晶高温合金在1100℃、不同应力状态下蠕变200 h纵截面枝晶干的显微组织(a) 43 MPa (b) 54 MPa (c) 71 MPa (d) 96 MPa
图7  镍基单晶高温合金在1100℃、不同应力状态下蠕变200 h后的典型界面位错组态及位错网间距
图8  镍基单晶高温合金在1100℃、96 MPa下蠕变200 h后同步辐射XRD谱及分峰结果
43 MPa0.35830.3573-0.26
54 MPa0.35890.3577-0.33
71 MPa0.35960.3582-0.37
96 MPa0.36080.3589-0.42
表2  镍基单晶高温合金经不同热力耦合条件后的γ/γ'两相晶格常数和错配度
图9  镍基单晶高温合金在1100℃、不同应力状态下蠕变200 h后γ/γ'两相中元素的分配系数
图10  镍基单晶高温合金在1100℃、不同应力状态下蠕变200 h后的室温Vickers硬度
图11  利用γ/γ'两相成分计算及同步辐射实验测得镍基单晶高温合金在1100℃、不同应力状态下蠕变200 h后的γ/γ'两相晶格常数及错配度
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