1. Alexander, L. T. , 1959: Strontium 90 Distribution as Determined by the Analysis of Soils-Statement for Joint Committee on Atomic Energy Congressional Hearings, May 5-8, 1959. (Table 7 and p. 11).
2. Environmental Contamination from Weapons Tests, 1958: HASL-42 p. 38.
3. Hinzpeter, M. , 1958: The Influence of Meteorological Parameters on the Propagation of Radioactive Fission Products in the Biosphere. United Nations-Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy-Proceedings of the Second International Conference, Geneva, Sept. 1958, Vol. 18, pp. 285-290.
4. Radioactive Fallout in Norway 1958;Hvinden;NDRE Intern Rapport,1959