1. *Earlier versions benefited from presentation and discussion at the Political Philosophy Workshop at Brown, the Poynter Center at Indiana University, the American Political Science Association meetings in Philadelphia in 2003, the American Philosophical Association meetings in Pasadena in 2004 and Connecticut College in 2005. For comments on drafts, special thanks to Nomy Arpaly, Neta Crawford, Hack Fain, Chris Hill, David Luban, Jeff McMahon, Rich Miller, Lionel McPherson and Paul Weithman.
2. 1Francisco de Vitoria, "On the law of war,"Political Writings, ed. Anthony Pagden and Jeremy Lawrence (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1991, originally published 1539), p. 307.
3. 2For a thorough account of the Nuremberg Trials see Robert E. Conot,Justice at Nuremberg(New York: Harper and Row, 1983).
4. Innocence and Responsibility in War
5. The Ethics of Killing in War