1. *I thank Linda Barclay, Therese Bjorkholm, Alexander W. Cappelen, Eli Feiring, Lena Halldenius, Nils Holtug, Sune Laegaard, Raino Malnes, Soren Flinch Midtgaard, Jouni Reinikainen, Paul Robinson, Dag Einar Thorsen, Leif Wenar and three anonymous JPP referees for helpful comments.
2. 1Fred Lucas, ‘The Right Way to Profile in NYC’,FrontPageMagazine, August 17, 2005; available at: http://www.frontpagemag.com/Articles/ReadArticle.asp?ID=19163 (accessed November 22, 2006).
3. 2The judgements about responsibility at stake here are about what Scanlon calls ‘substantive responsibility’, i.e. judgements about who ought to pick up the costs and benefits of certain acts or practices. See Thomas M. Scanlon,What We Owe to Each Other(Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1998), pp. 248-9.