1. G. Bannister(1975), "Population Change in Southern Ontario," Ann. Assoc. Amer. Geog., LXV(2), 177-88.
2. L. Curry(1964), "Explorations in Settlement Theory: The Random Spatial Economy," Ann. Assoc. Amer. Geog., LIV (1), 138-46.
3. L. Curry, G. Bannister, and L.S. Bourne (1974 ), "Township Populations of Ontario, 1971-2001, from Time-Space Covariance," in, Towards an Urban Future for Central Canada (Toronto: University of Toronto Press), pp. 34-59.
4. F. Denton(1966), An Analysis of Interregional Differences in Manpower Utilization and Earnings, Economic Council of Canada Staff Study No. 15 (Ottawa: Queen's Printer).