1. Human Medical Genetics and Genomics Program; University of Colorado School of Medicine; Aurora CO USA
2. Weill-Cornell Medicine-Qatar; Doha Qatar
3. Department of Anatomy; Catholic University of Health and Allied Sciences; Mwanza Tanzania
4. Department of Anthropology and Archaeology; University of Calgary; Calgary AB Canada
5. ENyS. Estudios en Neurociencias y Sistemas Complejos; CONICET-HEC-UNAJ.; Av. Calchaquí 5401. CP1882 Buenos Aires Argentina
6. National Institute for Dental and Craniofacial Research; National Institutes of Health; Bethesda MD USA
7. Department of Comparative Biology and Experimental Medicine; Faculty of Veterinary Medicine; University of Calgary; Calgary AB Canada
8. Alberta Children's Hospital Research Institute; University of Calgary; Calgary AB Canada
9. Department of Animal Biology; School of Integrative Biology; University of Illinois; Urbana IL USA
10. Mathematical and Statistical Sciences; University of Colorado; Denver CO USA
11. Hotchkiss Brain Institute; Cumming School of Medicine; University of Calgary; Calgary AB Canada
12. Department of Physiology and Pharmacology; Cumming School of Medicine; University of Calgary; Calgary AB Canada
13. Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology; Cumming School of Medicine; University of Calgary; Calgary AB Canada
14. McCaig Institute for Bone and Joint Health; University of Calgary; Calgary AB Canada