The effectiveness of flower strips and hedgerows on pest control, pollination services and crop yield: a quantitative synthesis


Albrecht Matthias1ORCID,Kleijn David2,Williams Neal M.3,Tschumi Matthias1ORCID,Blaauw Brett R.4,Bommarco Riccardo5ORCID,Campbell Alistair J.6,Dainese Matteo7ORCID,Drummond Francis A.8,Entling Martin H.9,Ganser Dominik110ORCID,Arjen de Groot G.11,Goulson Dave12,Grab Heather13ORCID,Hamilton Hannah12,Herzog Felix1,Isaacs Rufus14,Jacot Katja1,Jeanneret Philippe1,Jonsson Mattias5,Knop Eva110,Kremen Claire15,Landis Douglas A.16,Loeb Gregory M.13,Marini Lorenzo17,McKerchar Megan18,Morandin Lora19,Pfister Sonja C.9,Potts Simon G.20ORCID,Rundlöf Maj21,Sardiñas Hillary22,Sciligo Amber22,Thies Carsten23,Tscharntke Teja23ORCID,Venturini Eric24,Veromann Eve25ORCID,Vollhardt Ines M.G.23,Wäckers Felix26,Ward Kimiora3,Westbury Duncan B.18ORCID,Wilby Andrew26,Woltz Megan16,Wratten Steve27,Sutter Louis1ORCID


1. Agroecology and EnvironmentAgroscope Reckenholzstrasse 191 ZurichCH‐8046Switzerland

2. Plant Ecology and Nature Conservation Group Wageningen University Droevendaalsesteeg 3a Wageningen6708PBThe Netherlands

3. Department of Entomology and Nematology and Graduate Group in Ecology University of California, Davis One Shields Ave Davis CA95616USA

4. Department of Entomology University of Georgia Athens Georgia30602USA

5. Department of Ecology Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences PO Box 7044 Uppsala75007Sweden

6. Laboratório de Entomologia Embrapa Amazônia Oriental Belém ParáCEP 66095‐903Brazil

7. Institute for Alpine Environment Eurac Research Viale Druso 1 Bozen/Bolzano39100Italy

8. School of Biology And Ecology University of Maine Orono ME04469USA

9. iES Landau Institute for Environmental Sciences University of Koblenz‐Landau Fortstr. 7 LandauD‐76829Germany

10. University of BernInstitute of Ecology and Evolution Baltzerstrasse 6 Bern3012Switzerland

11. Wageningen Environmental ResearchWageningen University & Research P.O. Box 47 Wageningen6700 AAThe Netherlands

12. School of Life Sciences University of Sussex BrightonBN1 9QGUK

13. Department of Entomology Cornell University Geneva NY14456USA

14. Department of Entomology and EEBB Program Michigan State University East Lansing MI48824USA

15. Institute for Resources, Environment and Sustainability, & Department of Zoology University of British Columbia VancouverV6T 1Z4Canada

16. Department of Entomology and Great Lakes Bioenergy Research Center Michigan State University East Lansing MI48824USA

17. DAFNAE University of Padova viale dell’Università 16 Padova35020Italy

18. School of Science & the Environment University of Worcester Worcester WR2 6AJ UK

19. Pollinator Partnership 475 Sansome Street, 17th Floor San Francisco CA94111USA

20. Centre for Agri‐Environmental ResearchSchool of Agriculture, Policy and DevelopmentReading University ReadingRG6 6ARUK

21. Department of Biology Lund University Lund223 62Sweden

22. Department of Environmental Science, Policy, and Management University of California 130 Mulford Hall Berkeley CA94720USA

23. Agroecology Department of Crop Sciences University of Göttingen Göttingen Germany

24. Wild Blueberry Commission of Maine 5784 York Complex, Suite 52 Orono Maine04469USA

25. Estonian University of Life Sciences Kreutzwaldi 1 Tartu51006Estonia

26. Lancaster Environnent Centre Lancaster University LA1 4YQUK

27. Bio‐Protection Research Centre Lincoln University Lincoln New Zealand




Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics







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