1. Transmission of Rabies Virus from an Organ Donor to Four Transplant Recipients
2. CDC. Investigation of rabies infections in organ donor and transplant recipients—Alabama, Arkansas, Oklahoma, and Texas, 2004. MMWR 2004; 53:615–616.
3. Siegmund‐Schultze N . Die Symptome passten sehr gut zu einer Drogenpsychose [The symptoms were consistent with drug intoxication]. Ärzte Zeitung Online 2005; 25:02.
4. Unknown author. Dritter Tollwut‐Patient tot in Marburger. Nach knapp zwei Monaten gestorben [The third patient died in Marburg within less than two month]. Deutsches Aerzteblatt Online 07.04.2005.
5. Johnson N Brookes SM Fooks AR Ross RS . Review of human rabies cases in the UK and in Germany. Vet Rec 2005; 157(22):715.