1. Unité d'Agronomie; INRA-AgroParisTech; BP 01 Thiverval-Grignon 78850 France
2. Unité de Recherche Pluridisciplinaire sur la Prairie et les Plantes Fourragères; INRA; BP 80006 Lusignan 86600 France
3. Department of Agronomy; University of Florida; P.O. Box 110500 Gainesville FL 32611 USA
4. Department Producción Vegetal, Fitotecnia; University Politécnica of Madrid; Madrid 28040 Spain
5. Department of Agricultural & Biological Engineering; University of Florida; P.O. Box 110570 Gainesville FL 32611 USA
6. Climate Impacts Group; NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies; 2880 Broadway New York NY 10025 USA
7. UMR AGAP/PAM; CIRAD; Av. Agropolis Montpellier France
8. CIRAD; UMR TETIS; 500 rue J-F. Breton Montpellier F-34093 France
9. Department of Geological Sciences; Michigan State University; East Lansing MI USA
10. Department Crop Systems, Forestry and Environmental Sciences; University of Basilicata; Potenza Italy
11. Institute für Bodenökologie; Helmholtz Zentrum München; Ingolstädter Landstraße 1 D-85764 Neuherberg Germany
12. Centre for Geo-Information; Alterra; P.O. Box 47 Wageningen 6700AA The Netherlands
13. WUR-Plant Research International; Wageningen University and Research Centre; P.O. Box 16 6700AA Wageningen The Netherlands
14. CIRAD-Annual Cropping Systems; C/O Embrapa-Cerrados Km 18, BR 020 - Rodovia Brasília/Fortaleza, CP 08223, CEP 73310-970 Planaltina DF Brazil
15. Tyndall Centre for Climate Change research and School of Environmental Sciences; University of East Anglia; Norwich NR4 7TJ UK
16. Unité AGROCLIM; INRA; Domaine st Paul Site Agroparc; Avignon Cedex 9 Avignon 84914 France
17. Water & Earth System Science (WESS) Competence Cluster; c/o University of Tübingen; Tübingen 72074 Germany
18. Department of Agronomy and Horticulture; University of Nebraska-Lincoln; 178 Keim Hall-East Campus Lincoln NE 68503-0915 USA
19. USDA-ARS National Soil Tilth Laboratory for Agriculture and the Environment; 2110 University Boulevard Ames IA 50011 USA
20. Pacific Northwest National Laboratory and University of Maryland; 5825 University Research Court Suite 3500 College Park MD 20740 USA
21. Department of Plant Science; The Pennsylvania State University; 247 Agricultural Sciences and Industries Building University Park PA 16802 USA
22. Institute of Landscape Systems Analysis; ZALF; Leibniz-Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research; Eberswalder Str. 84 D-15374 Muencheberg Germany
23. School of Environmental and Forest Sciences; University of Washington; Seattle WA 98195-4115 USA
24. Indian Agricultural Research Institute; Centre for Environment Science and Climate Resilient Agriculture; New Delhi 110012 India
25. Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research; Telegraphenberg A 31 P.O. Box 60 12 03 D-14412 Potsdam Germany
26. Institute of Geographical Sciences and Natural Resources Research; Chinese Academy of Sciences; Beijing 100101 China
27. Sustainable Production; The New Zealand Institute for Plant & Food Research Limited; Lincoln Canterbury New Zealand
28. Crop Systems and Global Change Laboratory; USDA/ARS; 10300 Baltimore avenue BLDG 001 BARC-WEST Beltsville 20705-2350 MD USA