1. The Clinical Status of Patients whose Sera have Given the Abnormal Response when Assayed for Thyrotrophin;ADAMS;Proc. Univ. Otago med. Sch.,1956
2. The Presence of an Abnormal Thyroid-stimulating Hormone in the Serum of Some Thyrotoxic Patients;ADAMS;J. clin. Endocr.,1958
3. A Comparison of the Rates at which Thyrotrophin and the Human Abnormal Thyroid Stimulator Disappear from the Circulating Blood of the Rat;ADAMS;Endocrinology,1960
4. Bioassay of Long-Acting Thyroid Stimulator (L.A.T.S.) ; the Dose-Response Relationship;ADAMS;J. clin. Endocr.,1961
5. Association of Long-Acting Thyroid Stimulator with the Gamma Globulin Fraction of Serum;ADAMS;Proc. Univ. Otago med. Sch.,1962