1. Dermatology and Allergology Department, Tenon Hospital (AP-HP); Sorbonne Universities, UPMC University Paris 06; 75020 Paris France
2. Department of Dermatology; University Hospital Antwerp and University of Antwerp; Wilrijkstraat 10, 2650 Antwerp Belgium
3. Department of Dermatology; Saint Eloi Hospital; 34295 Montpellier France
4. Private Office; 44277 Nantes France
5. Department of Dermatology; Saint André Hospital; 33000 Bordeaux France
6. Department of Dermatology; Larrey University Hospital, CHU Toulouse; 31059 Toulouse France
7. Dermatology and Allergy Department, Brabois Hospital; University Hospital of Nancy; 54500 Vandoeuvre les Nancy France
8. Department of Dermatology, CHU Clermont-Ferrand; University Clermont Auvergne; 63000 Clermont-Ferrand France
9. Department of Dermatology; Huriez Hospital; 59000 Lille France
10. Department of Dermatology; Henri Mondor Hospital; 94010 Créteil France
11. Department of Dermatology, CHU; 49933 Angers France
12. Department of Dermatology; Hôtel-Dieu Hospital; 44093 Nantes France
13. Department of Dermatology and Allergology, CHU Jean Minjoz; 25030 Besançon France
14. Department of Dermatology; CHU-François Mitterand Hospital; 21000 Dijon France
15. Department of Occupational Disease, CHU Hôtel Dieu; 75004 Paris France
16. Private Office; 64100 Bayonne France
17. Department of Dermatology, Allergology and Photobiology, CHU; 38700 Grenoble France
18. Department of Dermatology; Charles Nicolle Hospital; 76031 Rouen France
19. Department of Dermatology; Edouard Herriot Hospital; 69437 Lyon France