1. Chenggong daxue linian jieshou meiyuan yunyong chengguo jiantao; Shifan daxue linian jieshou meiyuan yunyong chengguo jiantao [Evaluating the Normal University's Projects Funded through U.S. Assistance] (Taipei: Council for International Economic Cooperation and Development), 1964.
2. 2. "Haiwai qiaosheng laitai shengdu zhongdeng xuexiao banfa" [Rules for Overseas Chinese Students Coming to Taiwan for Secondary Education], promulgated by the Overseas Chinese Affairs Committee and the Ministry of Education on 7 April 1953, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Records, Academia Historica, Taiwan (hereafter cited as MFA) file 0190000003028A
3. 3. and Qiaowu yuebao [Overseas Chinese Affairs Monthly], no. 10 (April 1953), 14.
4. Cheng Chen , Premier of Executive Yuan, to Overseas Chinese Affairs Committee, 6 August 1952, MOE file 019000000330A.