1. Department of Ecology, Environment and Plant Sciences; Stockholm University; 10691 Stockholm Sweden
2. Stockholm Resilience Centre; Stockholm University; 10691 Stockholm Sweden
3. Tvärminne Zoological Station; University of Helsinki; J.A. Palméns väg 260 10900 Hangö Finland
4. Environmental and Marine Biology; Åbo Akademi University; FI-20500 Turku Finland
5. Centre for Ocean Life; National Institute of Aquatic Resources; Technical University of Denmark; Kavalergården 6 2920 Charlottenlund Denmark
6. Department of Geological Sciences; Stockholm University; 10691 Stockholm Sweden
7. Department of Geology; Lund University; 22362 Lund Sweden
8. Department of Aquatic Resources; Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences; Skolgatan 6 74242 Öregrund Sweden
9. Estonian Marine Institute; University of Tartu; Mäealuse 14 12618 Tallinn Estonia
10. Baltic Sea Centre; Stockholm University; Stockholm 106 91 Sweden
11. DHI; Agern Allé 5 DK-2970 Hørsholm Denmark