A new approach to geostatistical synthesis of historical records reveals capuchin spatial responses to climate and demographic change


Jacobson Odd T.123ORCID,Barrett Brendan J.1245ORCID,Perry Susan E.6ORCID,Finerty Genevieve E.124ORCID,Tiedeman Kate M.2ORCID,Crofoot Margaret C.124ORCID


1. Department for the Ecology of Animal Societies Max Planck Institute for Animal Behavior Constance Germany

2. Department of Biology University of Konstanz Constance Germany

3. International Max Planck Research School for Quantitative Behavioral Ecology and Evolution Max Planck Institute for Animal Behavior, University of Konstanz Constance Germany

4. Center for the Advanced Study of Collective Behavior University of Konstanz Constance Germany

5. Department of Human Behavior, Ecology, and Culture Max Planck Institute of Evolutionary Anthropology Leipzig Germany

6. Department of Anthropology University of California‐Los Angeles Los Angeles California USA


AbstractRecent proliferation of GPS technology has transformed animal movement research. Yet, time‐series data from this recent technology rarely span beyond a decade, constraining longitudinal research. Long‐term field sites hold valuable historic animal location records, including hand‐drawn maps and semantic descriptions. Here, we introduce a generalised workflow for converting such records into reliable location data to estimate home ranges, using 30 years of sleep‐site data from 11 white‐faced capuchin (Cebus imitator) groups in Costa Rica. Our findings illustrate that historic sleep locations can reliably recover home range size and geometry. We showcase the opportunity our approach presents to resolve open questions that can only be addressed with very long‐term data, examining how home ranges are affected by climate cycles and demographic change. We urge researchers to translate historical records into usable movement data before this knowledge is lost; it is essential to understanding how animals are responding to our changing world.


Wenner-Gren Foundation

American Society of Primatologists

Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung


Department of Anthropology, University of California, Los Angeles

National Geographic Society

National Science Foundation

Achievement Rewards for College Scientists Foundation

Leakey Foundation

National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program

Templeton World Charity Foundation










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