The diagnostic cascade for patients with hepatitis delta infection in France, 2018–2022: A cross‐sectional study


Brichler Ségolène12ORCID,Trimoulet Pascale3,Afonso Anne‐Marie Roque45,Izopet Jacques67,Thibault Vincent89,Roudot‐Thoraval Françoise210,Chevaliez Stéphane211ORCID


1. French National Reference Center for Hepatitis B, C and D Viruses, Laboratoire de Microbiologie Clinique, Hôpital Avicenne Bobigny France

2. “Team Viruses, Hepatology, Cancer” Institut de Recherche Biomédicale INSERM U955 Créteil France

3. Laboratoire de Virologie, CHU Bordeaux, Groupe Hospitalier Pellegrin Bordeaux France

4. Department of Virology, Hopital Paul Brousse Université Paris Saclay Villejuif France

5. INSERM U1193 Villejuif France

6. Laboratoire de Virologie, CHU Toulouse, Hôpital Purpan Toulouse France

7. INSERM UMR 1291—CNRS UMR 5051, Université Toulouse III Toulouse France

8. Department of Virology Pontchaillou University Hospital Rennes France

9. INSERM EHESP, Irset—UMR_S 1085 Rennes France

10. Department of Hepatology Créteil France

11. Department of Virology, French National Reference Center for Hepatitis B, C and D Viruses Hôpital Henri Mondor (AP‐HP) Créteil France


AbstractBackground and AimsChronic hepatitis D infection is the most severe form of viral hepatitis and can rapidly progress to cirrhosis or hepatocellular carcinoma. Despite recommendations for systematic screening of hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg)‐positive individuals, data from real‐world studies have reported a low frequency of hepatitis D (or delta) virus (HDV) screening. Our cross‐sectional analysis evaluated the diagnostic cascade for hepatitis D infection in tertiary centres and described the characteristics of HDV‐positive patients.MethodsA total of 6772 individuals who tested HBsAg positive for the first time between 2018 and 2022 were retrospectively included. Demographic, clinical and laboratory data were analysed.ResultsA total of 5748 HBsAg‐positive individuals (84.9%) were screened for HDV infection. The screening rate varied from 63% to 97% according to the screening strategy used in the centres including or not HDV reflex testing. The prevalence of HDV infection was 6.3%. HDV RNA levels were determined in 285 of the 364 (78.3%) HDV antibody screening‐positive patients, and 167 (58.6%) had active HDV infection. 66.8% were males, with a mean age of 44.9 years. A total of 97.5% were born abroad, and 92.9% were HBeAg negative. At the time of diagnosis, HDV RNA levels were 6.0 Log UI/mL; 60.1% had alanine aminotransferase >40 U/L, and 56.3% had significant fibrosis (≥F2), including 41.6% with cirrhosis. The most common genotype was HDV‐1 (75.4%). Coinfections were not uncommon: 7.4% were HIV positive, and 15.0% were HCV antibody positive.ConclusionsThe present study highlights the need for increased screening and monitoring of HDV infection. Reflex testing helps to identify HDV‐infected individuals.









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