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2. Aegean Sea Continental Shelf case (Greece/Turkey) Interim Protection Order of 11 September 1976 I.C.J Report1976.
3. Agreement between the Republic of Koreaand Japan concerning the Joint Development of the Southern Part of the Continental Shelf Adjacent to the Two Countries January 30 1974 1225U.N.T.S. 114.
4. BRITISH INST. OF INT'L& COM. LAW “Report on the Obligations of States under Article 74(3) and 83(3) of UNCLOS in Respect of Undelimited Maritime Areas ” (London:The BIICL 2016) at (searched date: 7 August 2020).
5. China‐JapanPrincipled Consensus on the East China Sea Issue(18 June2008) at (searched date: 20 August 2020).