Integrated ecological-economic fisheries models-Evaluation, review and challenges for implementation


Nielsen J Rasmus1ORCID,Thunberg Eric2,Holland Daniel S3,Schmidt Jorn O4,Fulton Elizabeth A5,Bastardie Francois1,Punt Andre E6,Allen Icarus7,Bartelings Heleen8,Bertignac Michel9,Bethke Eckhard10,Bossier Sieme1,Buckworth Rik11,Carpenter Griffin12,Christensen Asbjørn1,Christensen Villy13,Da-Rocha José M14,Deng Roy11,Dichmont Catherine11,Doering Ralf10,Esteban Aniol12,Fernandes Jose A.7,Frost Hans15,Garcia Dorleta16,Gasche Loic17,Gascuel Didier18ORCID,Gourguet Sophie19,Groeneveld Rolf A20,Guillén Jordi21,Guyader Olivier19,Hamon Katell G8,Hoff Ayoe15,Horbowy Jan22,Hutton Trevor11,Lehuta Sigrid17,Little L Richard5,Lleonart Jordi21,Macher Claire19,Mackinson Steven23,Mahevas Stephanie17,Marchal Paul24,Mato-Amboage Rosa14,Mapstone Bruce5,Maynou Francesc21,Merzéréaud Mathieu19,Palacz Artur1,Pascoe Sean11,Paulrud Anton25,Plaganyi Eva11,Prellezo Raul16,van Putten Elizabeth I5,Quaas Martin4,Ravn-Jonsen Lars26ORCID,Sanchez Sonia27,Simons Sarah10,Thébaud Olivier19,Tomczak Maciej T28,Ulrich Clara1,van Dijk Diana29,Vermard Youen17,Voss Rudi4,Waldo Staffan30


1. Technical University of Denmark; National Institute of Aquatic Resources; Kgs. Lyngby Denmark

2. Social Sciences Branch; Northeast Fisheries Science Center; NOAA Fisheries Office of Science and Technology; Woods Hole MA USA

3. Conservation Biology Division; Northwest Fisheries Science Center; NMFS; NOAA Fisheries Office of Science and Technology; Seattle WA USA

4. Department of Economics; Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel; Kiel Germany

5. CSIRO Oceans and Atmosphere; Marine Laboratories; Hobart TAS Australia

6. School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences; University of Washington; Seattle WA USA

7. Plymouth Marine Laboratory (Sea and Society) Prospect Place; Plymouth UK

8. Wageningen Economic Research; Wageningen University, WUR; The Hague The Netherlands

9. Unité Science et Technologies Halieutique; STH French Research Institute for Exploitation of the Sea, Ifremer; Plouzané France

10. Thünen Institute of Sea Fisheries; Hamburg Germany

11. CSIRO Oceans and Atmosphere; Queensland Biosciences Precinct; St Lucia QLD Australia

12. New Economics Foundation; London UK

13. The University of British Columbia; Institute for the Oceans and Fisheries; Vancouver BC Canada

14. Escuela de Comercio; Universidade de Vigo; Vigo Spain

15. Department of Food and Resource Economics; University of Copenhagen; Copenhagen Denmark

16. AZTI, Txatxarramendi Ugartea z/g; Sukarrieta Spain

17. Unité Ecologie et Modèles pour l'Halieutiques; EMH French Research Institute for Exploitation of the Sea, Ifremer; Nantes France

18. UMR Ecology and Ecosystem Health (ESE); Université Bretagne Loire (UBL); Rennes France

19. Unité d'Economie Maritime; AMURE French Research Institute for Exploitation of the Sea, Ifremer; Plouzané France

20. Environmental Economics and Natural Resources Group; Wageningen University WUR; Wageningen The Netherlands

21. Spanish National Research Council; Institut de Ciències del Mar, CSIC; Barcelona Spain

22. National Marine Fisheries Research Institute; Gdynia Poland

23. Scottish Pelagic Fishermen's Association; Fraserburgh UK

24. Unité Halieutique de Manche Mer du Nord, HMMM; IURHF French Research Institute for Exploitation of the Sea, Ifremer; Boulogne-sur-Mer France

25. Swedish Agency for Marine Water Management; Göteborg Sweden

26. Department of Environmental and Business Economics; University of Southern Denmark; Esbjerg Denmark

27. AZTI, Herrera Kaia - Portualdea z/g; Pasaia Spain

28. Baltic Sea Centre; Stockholm University; Stockholm Sweden

29. Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology; Dübendorf Switzerland

30. Department of Economics; Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences; Lund Sweden




Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law,Aquatic Science,Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics,Oceanography

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