Lawyer Advertising and the First Amendment


Andrews Lori B.


A current Supreme Court case concerning lawyer advertising, In re R.M.J., is analyzed in the context of a discussion of the diverse state regulations governing lawyer advertising and solicitation. The article considers the regulations in terms of their constitutionality, their tendency to impede effective advertising, and the effect they have on the legal profession's provision of information to potential clients about the nature, availability, and cost of legal services. Analysis of the major commercial speech cases, from Virginia State Board of Pharmacy to Central Hudson, indicates that many state rules infringe on attorneys' First Amendment rights.


Cambridge University Press (CUP)

Reference273 articles.

1. Id. at 230. See also Kent A. Wilson, Nebraskans, Lawyers, & the Law: A Two-Year Analysis 32 (Oct. 9, 1980, manuscript—on file with the Nebraska State Bar Association) (32 percent of the respondents disagreed with the statement that lawyers were good at keeping clients informed).

2. Curran, supra note 8, at 229.

3. See note 93 supra.

4. Central Hudson, 477 U.S. at 564–65.

5. La. DR 2–101(C)(5) and N.M. DR 2–101(A).

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