1. The acquisition of agreement in English
2. K. Bock, Sentence production: From mind to mouth, in Handbook of Perception and Cognition: Vol 11. Speech, Language, and Communication, J.L. Miller and P.D. Eimas, Eds. (Academic Press, Orlando, FL, in press); G.S. Dell, A spreading-activation theory of retrieval in sentence production, Psychological Review, 93, 283-321 (1986);
3. M.F. Garrett, Processes in language production, in Linguistics: The Cambridge Survey: Vol. III. Language: Psychological and Biological Aspects, F.J. Newmeyer, Ed. (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, England, 1988); W.J.M. Levelt, Speaking: From Intention to Articulation (MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 1989).
4. H.W. Fowler, A Dictionary of Modern English Usage (Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1937), p, 389.
5. Broken agreement