Earlier winter/spring runoff and snowmelt during warmer winters lead to lower summer chlorophyll‐ a in north temperate lakes


Hrycik Allison R.1ORCID,Isles Peter D. F.2ORCID,Adrian Rita3ORCID,Albright Matthew4,Bacon Linda C.5ORCID,Berger Stella A.6ORCID,Bhattacharya Ruchi7ORCID,Grossart Hans‐Peter68ORCID,Hejzlar Josef9ORCID,Hetherington Amy Lee10ORCID,Knoll Lesley B.11ORCID,Laas Alo12ORCID,McDonald Cory P.13ORCID,Merrell Kellie14,Nejstgaard Jens C.6ORCID,Nelson Kirsten15ORCID,Nõges Peeter12ORCID,Paterson Andrew M.16ORCID,Pilla Rachel M.17ORCID,Robertson Dale M.18ORCID,Rudstam Lars G.19ORCID,Rusak James A.16ORCID,Sadro Steven20ORCID,Silow Eugene A.21ORCID,Stockwell Jason D.22ORCID,Yao Huaxia16ORCID,Yokota Kiyoko23ORCID,Pierson Donald C.24ORCID


1. Biology Department/Rubenstein Ecosystem Science Laboratory University of Vermont Burlington VT USA

2. Department of Aquatic Ecology Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Sciences (Eawag) Dübendorf Switzerland

3. Department of Ecosystem Research Leibniz Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries (IGB) Berlin Germany

4. SUNY Oneonta Biological Field Station Oneonta NY USA

5. State of Maine Department of Environmental Protection Augusta ME USA

6. Department of Experimental Limnology Leibniz Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries (IGB) Stechlin Germany

7. Legacies of Agricultural Pollutants Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences University of Waterloo Waterloo Ontario Canada

8. Institute of Biochemistry and Biology Postdam University Potsdam Germany

9. Institute of Hydrobiology Biology Centre of the Czech Academy of Sciences České Budějovice Czech Republic

10. Department of Biological Sciences Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Blacksburg VA USA

11. Itasca Biological Station University of Minnesota Lake Itasca MN USA

12. Institute of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Estonian University of Life Sciences Tartu Estonia

13. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Michigan Technological University Houghton MI USA

14. Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation Montpelier VT USA

15. New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services Concord NH USA

16. Dorset Environmental Science Centre Ontario Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks Dorset Ontario Canada

17. Department of Biology Miami University Oxford OH USA

18. Upper Midwest Water Science Center U.S. Geological Survey Middleton WI USA

19. Cornell Biological Field Station Cornell University Bridgeport NY USA

20. Department of Environmental Science and Policy University of California Davis CA USA

21. Institute of Biology Irkutsk State University Irkutsk Russian Federation

22. Rubenstein Ecosystem Science Laboratory University of Vermont Burlington VT USA

23. Biology Department State University of New York College at Oneonta Oneonta NY USA

24. Section of Limnology Department of Ecology and Genetics Uppsala University Uppsala Sweden


Vermont Space Grant Consortium




General Environmental Science,Ecology,Environmental Chemistry,Global and Planetary Change








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