1. School of Medicine Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile Santiago Chile
2. Maastricht Economic and Social Research Institute on Innovation and Technology United Nations University Maastricht The Netherlands
3. Hospital Garrahan Buenos Aires Argentina
4. Hospital del Niño, Dr. Ovidio Aliaga Uria La Paz Bolivia
5. Cardio Vid Clinic Medellin Colombia
6. Hospital Maria Especialidades Pediatricas Tegucigalpa Honduras
7. Instituto Nacional de Cardiologia Ignacio Chavez Mexico City Mexico
8. Instituto Nacional de Cardiovascular, INCOR Lima Peru
9. Sanatorio Americano de Montevideo Montevideo Uruguay
10. Faculty of Nursing Universidad Andres Bello Santiago Chile
11. Department of Health Services Research, CAPHRI, Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences, Maastricht University Medical Center Maastricht University Maastricht The Netherlands
12. School of Business and Economics Maastricht University Maastricht The Netherlands
13. Department of Anesthesiology Critical Care and Pain Medicine and Harvard Medical School Boston Massachusetts USA