1. Institute of Botany; University of Liège; Liège Belgium
2. Azorean Biodiversity Group (CITA-A) and Platform for Enhancing Ecological Research & Sustainability (PEERS); Universidade dos Açores; Dep. Ciências Agrárias; Terceira Portugal
3. Department of Plant Biology; La Laguna University; Tenerife Spain
4. Biodiversity, Macroecology and Conservation Biogeography Group; University of Göttingen; Göttingen Germany
5. Laboratoire Écologie des Systèmes Marins Côtiers UMR 5119; CNRS; IRD; IFREMER; UM2, UM1; France
6. Department of Ecology and Taxonomy; Faculty of Biology; National and Kapodistrian University; Athens Greece
7. Conservation Biogeography and Macroecology Programme; School of Geography and the Environment; University of Oxford; Oxford UK
8. Department of Geography; University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria; Las Palmas de Gran Canaria Spain
9. Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute; Department of Biological Sciences; University of Alberta; Edmonton AB Canada