Diversity enhances carbon storage in tropical forests


Poorter L.1,van der Sande M. T.12,Thompson J.34,Arets E. J. M. M.2,Alarcón A.5,Álvarez-Sánchez J.6,Ascarrunz N.5,Balvanera P.7,Barajas-Guzmán G.6,Boit A.8,Bongers F.1,Carvalho F. A.9,Casanoves F.10,Cornejo-Tenorio G.7,Costa F. R. C.9,de Castilho C. V.11,Duivenvoorden J. F.12,Dutrieux L. P.13,Enquist B. J.1415,Fernández-Méndez F.1617,Finegan B.18,Gormley L. H. L.19,Healey J. R.19,Hoosbeek M. R.20,Ibarra-Manríquez G.7,Junqueira A. B.92122,Levis C.19,Licona J. C.5,Lisboa L. S.23,Magnusson W. E.9,Martínez-Ramos M.7,Martínez-Yrizar A.24,Martorano L. G.25,Maskell L. C.26,Mazzei L.25,Meave J. A.6,Mora F.7,Muñoz R.6,Nytch C.4,Pansonato M. P.9,Parr T. W.26,Paz H.7,Pérez-García E. A.6,Rentería L. Y.7,Rodríguez-Velazquez J.7,Rozendaal D. M. A.127,Ruschel A. R.25,Sakschewski B.8,Salgado-Negret B.28,Schietti J.9,Simões M.29,Sinclair F. L.1930,Souza P. F.9,Souza F. C.9,Stropp J.31,ter Steege H.3233,Swenson N. G.34,Thonicke K.8,Toledo M.5,Uriarte M.35,van der Hout P.36,Walker P.37,Zamora N.38,Peña-Claros M.1


1. Forest Ecology and Forest Management Group; Wageningen University; PO Box 47 6700 AA Wageningen The Netherlands

2. Alterra; Wageningen UR; Wageningen The Netherlands

3. Centre for Ecology & Hydrology; Penicuik UK

4. Department of Environmental Science; University of Puerto Rico; Río Piedras Puerto Rico

5. Instituto Boliviano de Investigación Forestal (IBIF); FCA-UAGRM; Santa Cruz de la Sierra Bolivia

6. Facultad de Ciencias; Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México; México DF México

7. Instituto de Investigaciones en Ecosistemas y Sustentabilidad; Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México; Morelia México

8. Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research e.V. (PIK); Potsdam, Germany and Berlin-Brandenburg Institute of Advanced Biodiversity Research (BBIB); 14195 Berlin Germany

9. Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia (INPA); Manaus Brazil

10. Biostatistics Unit; CATIE; Turrialba Costa Rica

11. Embrapa Roraima; Boa Vista Brazil

12. IBED; University of Amsterdam; Amsterdam The Netherlands

13. Lab of GIS and Remote-Sensing; Wageningen University; Wageningen The Netherlands

14. Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology; University of Arizona; P.O. Box 210088 Tucson AZ 85721 USA

15. The Santa Fe Institute; 1399 Hyde Park Rd Santa Fe NM 87501 USA

16. Grupo de Investigación en Biodiversidad y Dinámica de Ecosistemas Tropicales; Universidad del Tolima; Ibagué Colombia

17. Laboratory of Ecology and Evolution of Plant; Universidade Federal de Viçosa; Brazil

18. Production and Conservation in Forests Programme; CATIE; Turrialba Costa Rica

19. School of Environment, Natural Resources and Geography; Bangor University; Bangor UK

20. Department of Soil Quality; Wageningen University; Wageningen The Netherlands

21. Centre for Crop Systems Analysis; Wageningen University; Wageningen The Netherlands

22. Knowledge, Technology and Innovation Group; Wageningen University; Wageningen The Netherlands

23. ESALQ; USP; Piracicaba Brazil

24. Instituto de Ecología; UNAM; Hermosillo Mexico

25. Embrapa Amazônia Oriental; Belém Brazil

26. Centre for Ecology and Hydrology (CEH); Lancaster UK

27. Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology; University of Connecticut; Storrs USA

28. Instituto de Investigación de Recursos Biológicos Alexander von Humboldt; Bogotá Colombia

29. Embrapa Solos; Rio de Janeiro Brazil

30. World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF); Nairobi Kenya

31. Institute of Biological and Health Sciences; Federal University of Alagoas; Maceió Brazil

32. Naturalis Biodiversity Center; Leiden Netherlands

33. Ecology and Biodiversity Group; Utrecht University; Utrecht The Netherlands

34. Department of Biology; University of Maryland; College Park Maryland 20742 USA

35. Department of Ecology, Evolution and Environmental Biology; Columbia University; New York USA

36. Van der Hout Forestry Consulting; Rotterdam The Netherlands

37. Wildtracks; PO Box 278 Belize City Belize

38. Instituto Nacional de Biodiversidad (INBio); Santo Domingo Costa Rica


European Union's Seventh Framework Programme

ReserBos project

Luquillo Long Term Ecological Research program (LTER)

USA National Science Foundation

US National Science Foundation




Ecology,Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics,Global and Planetary Change








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