1. Department of Soil and Water Conservation (CEBAS‐CSIC) CSIC‐Centro de Edafología y Biología Aplicada del Segura PO Box 164, Campus de Espinardo 30100 Murcia Spain
2. Plant‐Soil‐Interactions Institute for Sustainability Sciences, Agroscope Reckenholzstrasse 191 8046 Zürich Switzerland
3. Institute of Plant Sciences University of Bern Altenbergrain 21 3013 Bern Switzerland
4. Department of Environmental Sciences University of Basel Bernoullistrasse 32 4056 Basel Switzerland
5. Soil Microbiology and Symbiotic Systems Department Estación Experimental del Zaidín (EEZ‐CSIC) Profesor Albareda 1 Granada 18008 Spain
6. Department of Evolutionary Biology and Environmental Studies University of Zurich Winterthurerstrasse 190 8057 Zürich Switzerland
7. Plant‐Microbe‐Interactions Department of Biology Utrecht University 3508TB Utrecht the Netherlands