Adult perceptions of mental health access barriers facing youth in rural Washington State: A group concept mapping study


Graves Janessa M.12ORCID,Abshire Demetrius A.3ORCID,Mackelprang Jessica L.4ORCID,Klein Tracy A.5ORCID,Gonzalez Carmen6,Parrott Kailee27,Eti Deborah U.8ORCID,Ferris Jordan G.2ORCID,Chacon Christina M.9,Beck Ashley D.10


1. WWAMI Rural Health Research Center Department of Family Medicine School of Medicine University of Washington Seattle Washington USA

2. Nursing and Systems Science Department, College of Nursing Spokane Washington State University Spokane Washington USA

3. Department of Biobehavioral Health & Nursing Science, College of Nursing University of South Carolina Columbia South Carolina USA

4. Department of Psychological Sciences Swinburne University of Technology Melbourne Victoria Australia

5. Nursing and Systems Science Department, College of Nursing Vancouver Washington State University Vancouver Washington USA

6. Department of Communications University of Washington Seattle Washington USA

7. Department of Biochemistry University of Washington Seattle Washington USA

8. Advanced Practice and Community‐Based Care Department, College of Nursing Spokane Washington State University Spokane Washington United States

9. Advanced Practice and Community‐Based Care Department, College of Nursing Tri Cities Washington State University Richland Washington USA

10. Washington State Department of Health Olympia Washington USA


AbstractPurposeTo explore adult community members’ perspectives concerning barriers to mental health care that confront rural‐dwelling youth.MethodsGroup concept mapping, a participatory community‐engaged research method, was used. Adult community members brainstormed and sorted statements describing barriers rural youth encounter in accessing mental health services. Point and cluster maps were created to visualize conceptual similarities between statements. Statements were rated according to their commonness and importance (1: low commonness/importance, 5: high commonness/importance).FindingsThirty‐five adults sorted and/or rated 71 barriers facing rural youth in accessing mental health services. Seven conceptual clusters were identified: system‐level barriers, knowledge and communication, youth concerns, parent/guardian concerns, parent/guardian barriers, costs and convenience, and school‐level barriers. Within youth concerns, community members also identified a subcluster focused on stigma. Common and important statements related to limited after‐school programs and community mental health support initiatives.ConclusionsGroup concept mapping methodology provides structure for conceptualizing challenges facing rural youth in accessing mental health services. Policies should be informed by rural community concerns and priorities. After‐school and support programs may align with mental health needs identified by rural communities.









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