The diversity and coevolution of Rubisco and CO2 concentrating mechanisms in marine macrophytes


Capó‐Bauçà Sebastià1ORCID,Iñiguez Concepción12ORCID,Galmés Jeroni1ORCID


1. Research Group on Plant Biology under Mediterranean Conditions Universitat de les Illes Balears‐INAGEA 07122 Palma Balearic Islands Spain

2. Department of Ecology, Faculty of Sciences University of Malaga Boulevard Louis Pasteur s/n 29010 Málaga Spain


SummaryThe kinetic properties of Rubisco, the most important carbon‐fixing enzyme, have been assessed in a small fraction of the estimated existing biodiversity of photosynthetic organisms. Until recently, one of the most significant gaps of knowledge in Rubisco kinetics was marine macrophytes, an ecologically relevant group including brown (Ochrophyta), red (Rhodophyta) and green (Chlorophyta) macroalgae and seagrasses (Streptophyta). These organisms express various Rubisco types and predominantly possess CO2‐concentrating mechanisms (CCMs), which facilitate the use of bicarbonate for photosynthesis. Since bicarbonate is the most abundant form of dissolved inorganic carbon in seawater, CCMs allow marine macrophytes to overcome the slow gas diffusion and low CO2 availability in this environment. The present review aims to compile and integrate recent findings on the biochemical diversity of Rubisco and CCMs in the main groups of marine macrophytes. The Rubisco kinetic data provided demonstrate a more relaxed relationship among catalytic parameters than previously reported, uncovering a variability in Rubisco catalysis that has been hidden by a bias in the literature towards terrestrial vascular plants. The compiled data indicate the existence of convergent evolution between Rubisco and biophysical CCMs across the polyphyletic groups of marine macrophytes and suggest a potential role for oxygen in shaping such relationship.




Plant Science,Physiology







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