1. School of GeoSciences University of Edinburgh Edinburgh EH9 3FF UK
2. Environmental Change Institute School of Geography and the Environment University of Oxford Oxford OX1 3QY UK
3. Laboratoire d’Écologie Végétale et Biogéochimie, CP 244 Université Libre de Bruxelles Brussels B‐1050 Belgium
4. National Centre for Earth Observation (NCEO) University of Sheffield Hicks Building, Hounsfield Road Sheffield S3 7RH UK
5. Herbarium of Lubango ISCED Huíla Sarmento Rodrigues Str. No. 2, CP 230 Lubango Angola
6. Department of Wildlife, Fish and Environmental Studies Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences Umeå SE‐907 36 Sweden
7. Department of Zoology Centre for African Conservation Ecology Nelson Mandela University Port Elizabeth 6031 South Africa
8. Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development Utrecht University Utrecht 3584CS the Netherlands
9. Ecological Advice Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife Hluhluwe‐iMfolozi Park 3202 South Africa
10. School of Life Sciences University of KwaZulu‐Natal Pietermaritzburg 3209 South Africa
11. Biodiversity, Evolution and Ecology of Plants Institute of Plant Sciences and Microbiology University of Hamburg Ohnhorststr. 18 Hamburg 22609 Germany
12. Odum School of Ecology University of Georgia 140 E. Green St. Athens GA 30602 USA
13. Lilongwe University of Agriculture and Natural Resources (LUANAR) Lilongwe Malawi
14. Forest Research Centre 1 Orange Groove Highlands Harare Zimbabwe
15. Faculty of Natural Resources and Spatial Sciences Namibia University of Science and Technology Windhoek 10005 Namibia
16. Department of Forest Engineering Faculty of Agronomy and Forest Engineering Universidade Eduardo Mondlane Av. Julius Nyerere, 3453, Campus Universitario Maputo Mozambique
17. Ministry of Lands and Natural Resources Cairo Road Lusaka Zambia
18. School of Natural Resources Copperbelt University Kitwe Zambia
19. Faculty of Biological Sciences University of Leeds Leeds LS2 9JT UK
20. Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development Utrecht University Utrecht 3508 the Netherlands
21. Centre for African Conservation Ecology Nelson Mandela University Port Elizabeth 6031 South Africa
22. South African Environmental Observation Network Grasslands‐Forests‐Wetlands Node Montrose 3201 South Africa
23. Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh Edinburgh EH3 5LR UK