1. University College Cork Cork Ireland
2. Acaster Lloyd Consulting London UK
3. Nederlands Anafylaxis Netwerk Dordrecht The Netherlands
4. The Anaphylaxis Campaign Farnborough UK
5. Deutscher Allergie‐ und Asthmabund Mönchengladbach Germany
6. Food Allergy Italia Padua Italy
7. Asociación Española de Personas con Alergia a Alimentos y Látex Madrid Spain
8. Aimmune Therapeutics London UK
9. Association Française pour la Prévention des Allergies Paris France
10. St Thomas' Hospital London UK
11. Astma‐Allergi Danmark Roskilde Denmark
12. King's College London London UK
13. Division of Pneumology, Allergology and Cystic Fibrosis Department of Children and Adolescent Medicine University Hospital Frankfurt Frankfurt am Main Germany
14. Hospital Clínico San CarlosIdISSC Madrid Spain