1. University of California Berkeley, Department of Environmental Science; Policy and Management; 327 Mulford Hall Berkeley CA 94720 U.S.A.
2. Geography Department; Humboldt University Berlin; Unter den Linden 6 10099 Berlin Germany
3. SILVIS Lab, Department of Forest and Wildlife Ecology; University of Wisconsin-Madison; 1630 Linden Drive Madison Wisconsin WI 53706 U.S.A.
4. Institute of Landscape Ecology; Slovak Academy of Sciences; Akademická 2 94901 Nitra Slovakia
5. Swiss Federal Institute for Forest; Snow and Landscape Research WSL; Zürcherstrasse 111 CH-8903 Birmensdorf Switzerland
6. Integrative Research Institute on Transformations in Human-Environment Systems (IRI THESys); Humboldt University Berlin; Unter der Linden 6 10099 Berlin Germany
7. Leibniz Institute of Agricultural Development and Transition Economies (IAMO); Theodor-Lieser Str. 2 06120 Halle Saale Germany