1. Department of Psychiatry, Taipei City Psychiatric CenterTaipei City Hospital Taipei Taiwan
2. Institute of Epidemiology and Preventive MedicineNational Taiwan University Taipei Taiwan
3. Kunming Prevention and Control CenterTaipei City Hospital Taipei Taiwan
4. Department of Psychiatry & Community Medicine Research CenterChang Gung Memorial Hospital Keelung Taiwan
5. Chang Gung University School of Medicine Taoyuan Taiwan
6. Department of Psychiatry, Wan‐Fang HospitalTaipei Medical University Taipei Taiwan
7. Department of Psychiatry, School of Medicine, College of MedicineTaipei Medical University Taipei Taiwan
8. Psychiatric Research Center, Wang‐Fang HospitalTaipei Medical University Taipei Taiwan
9. Psychiatric Research CenterTaipei Medical University Hospital Taipei Taiwan
10. Department of PsychiatryYale University School of Medicine New Heaven Connecticut