1. Department of Dermatology, Venereology, and Allergology; University Hospital Frankfurt; Goethe University; Frankfurt Theodor-Stern-Kai 7 60590 Frankfurt am Main Germany
2. Working group “EbM” Frankfurt; Institute for General Medicine, Goethe University; Theodor-Stern-Kai 7 60590 Frankfurt am Main Germany
3. Dermatologic practice Prof. P. Kind; Kleiner Biergrund 31 63065 Offenbach Germany
4. Department of Infectious Disease Epidemiology; Robert Koch Institute; Seestraße 10 13353 Berlin Germany
5. Laboratory Prof. Gisela Enders & Colleagues (Outpatient Healthcare Center); Rosenbergstraße 85 70193 Stuttgart Germany
6. Department of Dermatology and Venereology; Essen University Hospital; Hufelandstraße 55 45147 Essen Germany
7. Laboratory Krone; Siemensstraße 40 32105 Bad Salzuflen Germany
8. Institute for Medical Diagnostics; Am Kleistpark 1 15230 Frankfurt (Oder) Germany
9. Department of Dermatology and Allergology; University Medical Center Gießen and Marburg; 35033 Marburg Germany
10. Outpatient Healthcare Center Ärzteforum Seestraße; Seestraße 64 13347 Berlin Germany
11. Division of Evidence-Based Medicine (dEBM); Department of Dermatology, Venereology, and Allergology; Charité - University Medical Center Berlin; Charitéplatz 1 10117 Berlin Germany
12. Department of Gynecology; Wolfsburg City Hospital; Sauerbruchstraße 7 38440 Wolfsburg Germany
13. Specialty Medical Center Borkum; Department of Dermatology; Jann-Berghaus-Straße 49 26757 Borkum Germany
14. Center for Neurological Medicine; University Medical Center Göttingen; Robert Koch-Straße 40 37075 Göttingen Germany
15. Division of Infectious Diseases; Department of Medicine; Albert-Ludwigs-University; Center for Infectious Diseases & Travel Medicine, and IFB Center for Chronic Immunodeficiency; University Hospital; Hugstetter Straße 55 79106 Freiburg Germany
16. Department of Urology; Medical Center Memmingen; Bismarckstraße 23 87700 Memmingen Germany
17. Bavarian Office for Health and Food Safety (LGL); Veterinärstraße 2 85764 Oberschleißheim Germany
18. Department of Neurology; Medical Center Klagenfurt; St. Veiterstraße 47 9020 Klagenfurt Austria
19. Institute for Medical Microbiology and Infection Control; University Hospital Frankfurt; Goethe University; Frankfurt Paul-Ehrlich-Straße 40 60596 Frankfurt am Main Germany
20. Ruhr University Bochum; Department of Dermatology, Venereology, and Allergology; Center for Sexual Health and Medicine; St. Joseph Hospital Bochum; Gudrunstraße 56 44791 Bochum Germany