1. Centenarians in Europe
2. Statistics Canada.Centenarians in Canada. Age and sex 2011 Census.2012.https://www12.statcan.gc.ca/census‐recensement/2011/as‐sa/98‐311‐x/98‐311‐x2011003_1‐eng.pdf(last accessed 01 September 2019)
3. U.S. Census Bureau.Centenarians 2010. 2010 Census Special Reports.https://www.census.gov/prod/cen2010/reports/c2010sr‐03.pdf(last accessed 01 September 2019)
4. National Institute of Population and Social Security Research.Population Statistics of Japan 2006.http://www.ipss.go.jp/p‐info/e/PSJ2006.pdf(last accessed 01 September 2019)
5. Age trajectories of independence in daily living among the oldest old in China