1. China-US Collaborative Program on Emerging and Re-Emerging Infection Disease; Center for Global Health; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; Beijing China
2. Hubei Provincial Centre for Disease Control and Prevention; Wuhan China
3. Jingzhou Central Hospital; Jingzhou China
4. Influenza Division; National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases; Atlanta GA USA
5. Key Laboratory of Surveillance and Early-warning on Infectious Disease; Division of Infectious Disease; Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention; Beijing China
6. Global Disease Detection Branch; Division of Global Health Protection; Center for Global Health; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; Atlanta GA USA
7. Jingzhou Center for Disease Control and Prevention; Jingzhou China
8. Jingzhou First People's Hospital; Jingzhou China
9. Jingzhou Second People's Hospital; Jingzhou China
10. Jingzhou Maternal and Children's Hospital; Jingzhou China
11. Vaccine Clinical Research Branch Vaccine Research Program; Division of AIDS; NIAID/NIH; Bethesda MD USA