1. Clinic of Hematology Oncology Institute of Southern SwitzerlandEOC Bellinzona Switzerland
2. Institute of Oncology Research (IOR) Bellinzona Switzerland
3. Division of Hematology University Hospital Basel Basel Switzerland
4. Division of Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology Institute of Pharmacological Sciences of Southern Switzerland EOC Lugano Switzerland
5. Regional Pharmacovigilance Centre Department of Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology University Hospital BaselUniversity of Basel Basel Switzerland
6. Faculty of Biomedical Sciences Università della Svizzera Italiana Lugano Switzerland
7. Translational Immunology Department of Biomedicine University of Basel Basel Switzerland
8. Clinical Immunology Medical Outpatient Unit Department of Internal Medicine University Hospital Basel Basel Switzerland
9. Division of Hematology Cantonal Hospital Liestal Liestal Switzerland
10. Hemophilia and Hemostasis CenterCentre for Laboratory Medicine St. Gallen Switzerland
11. Department of Diagnostic Hematology University of Basel Basel Switzerland
12. University of Zurich Zurich Switzerland