1. Department of Research and Development Netherlands Comprehensive Cancer Organization UtrechtThe Netherlands
2. Radboud Institute for Health Sciences Radboud University Medical Centre NijmegenThe Netherlands
3. Department of Urology Radboud University Medical Centre NijmegenThe Netherlands
4. Department of Urology University Medical Centre Groningen GroningenThe Netherlands
5. Department of Urology Netherlands Cancer Institute – Antoni van Leeuwenhoek Hospital Amsterdam The Netherlands
6. Department of Urology Caritas St. Josef Medical Centre University of Regensburg Regensburg Germany
7. Department of Urology Amsterdam UMC University of Amsterdam Amsterdam The Netherlands
8. Department of Urology Alrijne Hospital LeiderdorpThe Netherlands
9. Department of Oncological Urology University Medical Centre Utrecht UtrechtThe Netherlands
10. Department of Urology Erasmus MC Cancer Institute Rotterdam The Netherlands