Are allergic multimorbidities and IgE polysensitization associated with the persistence or re-occurrence of foetal type 2 signalling? The MeDALL hypothesis


Bousquet J.1234,Anto J. M.5678,Wickman M.910,Keil T.1112,Valenta R.13,Haahtela T.14,Lodrup Carlsen K.1516,van Hage M.17,Akdis C.18,Bachert C.19,Akdis M.18,Auffray C.20,Annesi-Maesano I.2122,Bindslev-Jensen C.23,Cambon-Thomsen A.24,Carlsen K. H.1525,Chatzi L.26,Forastiere F.27,Garcia-Aymerich J.5678,Gehrig U.28,Guerra S.5,Heinrich J.29,Koppelman G. H.30,Kowalski M. L.31,Lambrecht B.32,Lupinek C.13,Maier D.33,Melén E.10,Momas I.3435,Palkonen S.36,Pinart M.5,Postma D.37,Siroux V.38,Smit H. A.28,Sunyer J.5678,Wright J.39,Zuberbier T.4041,Arshad S. H.42,Nadif R.34,Thijs C.43,Andersson N.910,Asarnoj A.910,Ballardini N.910,Ballereau S.20,Bedbrook A.2,Benet M.5,Bergstrom A.910,Brunekreef B.28,Burte E.34,Calderon M.44,De Carlo G.36,Demoly P.45,Eller E.23,Fantini M. P.46,Hammad H.32,Hohman C.11,Just J.4748,Kerkhof M.37,Kogevinas M.5678,Kull I.910,Lau S.49,Lemonnier N.20,Mommers M.43,Nawijn M.30,Neubauer A.33,Oddie S.39,Pellet J.20,Pin I.50,Porta D.27,Saes Y.32,Skrindo I.1516,Tischer C. G.29,Torrent M.551,von Hertzen L.14


1. University Hospital; Montpellier France

2. MACVIA-LR; Contre les MAladies Chroniques pour un VIeillissement Actif en Languedoc-Roussillon; European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing Reference Site; Paris France

3. INSERM; VIMA: Ageing and Chronic Diseases Epidemiological and Public Health Approaches, U1168; Paris France

4. UVSQ; UMR-S 1168; Université Versailles St-Quentin-en-Yvelines; Versailles France

5. Centre for Research in Environmental Epidemiology (CREAL); Barcelona Spain

6. Hospital del Mar Research Institute (IMIM); Barcelona Spain

7. CIBER Epidemiología y Salud Pública (CIBERESP); Barcelona Spain

8. Department of Experimental and Health Sciences; University of Pompeu Fabra (UPF); Barcelona Spain

9. Sachs’ Children's Hospital; Stockholm Sweden

10. Institute of Environmental Medicine; Karolinska Institutet; Stockholm Sweden

11. Institute of Social Medicine, Epidemiology and Health Economics; Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin; Berlin Germany

12. Institute for Clinical Epidemiology and Biometry; University of Wuerzburg; Wuerzburg Germany

13. Division of Immunopathology; Department of Pathophysiology and Allergy Research; Center for Pathophysiology, Infectiology and Immunology; Medical University of Vienna; Vienna Austria

14. Skin and Allergy Hospital; Helsinki University Hospital; Helsinki Finland

15. Department of Paediatrics; Oslo University Hospital; Oslo Norway

16. Faculty of Medicine; Institute of Clinical Medicine; University of Oslo; Oslo Norway

17. Clinical Immunology and Allergy Unit; Department of Medicine Solna; Karolinska Institutet and University Hospital; Stockholm Sweden

18. Swiss Institute of Allergy and Asthma Research (SIAF); University of Zurich; Davos Switzerland

19. ENT Department; Ghent University Hospital; Gent Belgium

20. European Institute for Systems Biology and Medicine; Lyon France

21. EPAR U707 INSERM; Paris France

22. EPAR UMR-S UPMC; Paris VI; Paris France

23. Department of Dermatology and Allergy Centre; Odense University Hospital; Odense Denmark

24. UMR Inserm U1027; Université de Toulouse III Paul Sabatier; Toulouse France

25. University of Oslo; Oslo Norway

26. Department of Social Medicine; Faculty of Medicine; University of Crete; Heraklion Crete Greece

27. Department of Epidemiology; Regional Health Service Lazio Region; Rome Italy

28. Julius Center of Health Sciences and Primary Care; University Medical Center Utrecht; University of Utrecht; Utrecht the Netherlands

29. Institute of Epidemiology; German Research Centre for Environmental Health; Helmholtz Zentrum München; Neuherberg Germany

30. Department of Pediatric Pulmonology and Pediatric Allergology; GRIAC Research Institute; University Medical Center Groningen; Beatrix Children's Hospital; University of Groningen; Groningen the Netherlands

31. Department of Immunology, Rheumatology and Allergy; Medical University of Lodz; Lodz Poland

32. VIB Inflammation Research Center; Ghent University; Ghent Belgium

33. Biomay AG; Wien Austria

34. Department of Public Health and Biostatistics, EA 4064; Paris Descartes University; Paris France

35. Paris Municipal Department of Social Action, Childhood, and Health; Paris France

36. EFA European Federation of Allergy and Airways Diseases Patients' Associations; Brussels Belgium

37. Department of Respiratory Medicine; GRIAC Research Institute; University Medical Center Groningen; Beatrix Children's Hospital; University of Groningen; Groningen the Netherlands

38. Inserm, U823; Grenoble France

39. Bradford Institute for Health Research; Bradford Royal Infirmary; Bradford UK

40. Allergy-Centre-Charité at the Department of Dermatology; Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin; Berlin Germany

41. Secretary General of the Global Allergy and Asthma European Network (GA2LEN); Berlin Germany

42. David Hide Asthma and Allergy Research Centre; Isle of Wight UK

43. Department of Epidemiology; CAPHRI School of Public Health and Primary Care; Maastricht University; Maastricht the Netherlands

44. National Heart and Lung Institute; Imperial College London; Royal Brompton Hospital NHS; London UK

45. Department of Respiratory Diseases; Montpellier University Hospital; Montpellier France

46. Department of Medicine and Public Health; Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna; Bologna Italy

47. Allergology Department; Centre de l'Asthme et des Allergies; Hôpital d'Enfants Armand-Trousseau (APHP); Paris France

48. Institut Pierre Louis d'Epidémiologie et de Santé Publique; Equipe EPAR; Sorbonne Universités, UPMC Univ Paris 06, UMR_S 1136; Paris France

49. Department for Pediatric Pneumology and Immunology; Charité Medical University; Berlin Germany

50. Département de pédiatrie; CHU de Grenoble; Grenoble Cedex 9 France

51. Area de Salut de Menorca, ib-salut; Illes Balears Spain




Immunology,Immunology and Allergy

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