1. Section of Haematology and Coagulation; Department of Internal Medicine; Sahlgrenska University Hospital; Göteborg Sweden
2. Department of Haematological Medicine; King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust; London UK
3. European Institute of Oncology; Milan Italy
4. Academic Medical Centre; Amsterdam The Netherlands
5. National Stem Cell Transplant Unit (Adults); Department of Haematology; St James's Hospital; Dublin Ireland
6. Oncology Institute of Southern Switzerland (IOSI); Bellinzona Switzerland
7. UMC Utrecht Cancer Center, Hematologie; University Medical Center Utrecht; Utrecht The Netherlands
8. Département d'Hématologie et de Thérapie Cellulaire; CHRU Montpellier-site Saint Eloi; Montpellier France
9. Department of Pediatric Hematology, Oncology and Stem Cell Transplantation; University of Regensburg; Regensburg Germany
10. Klinik für Hämat, Onkol, Klin.Immun.; Heinrich Heine Universität; Düsseldorf Germany
11. Hematology and BMT Unit; San Raffaele Hospital; Milan Italy
12. Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust; Sutton UK
13. Department of Stem cell Transplantation; University Hospital Eppendorf; Hamburg Germany
14. Hospital Universitari I Politècnic la Fe, Oncologia Pediatrica; Valencia Spain
15. Hematology Department; Hôpital Saint-Antoine, and Université Pierre & Marie Curie; Paris France