Academic nurses' transition across an academic career: A qualitative study


Barken Tina Lien1ORCID,Robstad Nastasja1ORCID


1. Department of Health and Nursing Science University of Agder Kristiansand Norway


AbstractAimThe aim of this study was to gain a deeper understanding of nurse academics' experiences with the transition from clinical practice to academia and throughout their whole career trajectory.DesignQualitative study design.MethodsThree focus group interviews with 17 nurse academics employed at a University in Norway were conducted in May and June 2020. Data were analysed using qualitative content analysis.ResultsNurse academics experienced several diverse career transitions that continued throughout their whole career trajectory, affecting their daily life. Three interconnected themes were identified: ‘clinically confident, yet academically uncertain’, ‘balancing the academic role’ and ‘lost in academic transition’.ConclusionThis study contributes to a deeper understanding of nurse academics' experiences of transitioning into their academic role and identity. Transition was found not as separate occurrences but was described as several ongoing and concurrent processes throughout their whole career trajectory regardless of seniority level or academic experience. These transitions encompass shifts in identity, new responsibilities and increased tasks, yet often occur without adequate support. As a result, nurse academics may lack the essential skills and knowledge of the academic role.ImpactThis study provides insights into nurse academics' transition from clinical practice to academia and throughout their whole career trajectory. This is not a one‐time occurrence but a continuous process that takes place throughout their entire career trajectory. This transition is embedded within a complex environment that requires careful consideration and attention. To address challenges regarding career transitions for nurse academics, universities should provide more training and preparation opportunities for all nurse academics when facing different career transitions.Reporting MethodConsolidated Criteria for Reporting Qualitative Research.Patient or Public ContributionNo patient or public contribution.




General Nursing

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