I will not go, I cannot go: cultural and social limitations of disaster preparedness in Asia, Africa, and Oceania


Ayeb‐Karlsson Sonja1,Kniveton Dominic2,Cannon Terry3,van der Geest Kees4,Ahmed Istiakh5,Derrington Erin M.6,Florano Ebinezer7,Opondo Denis Opiyo8


1. Lecturer in Global Health at the Brighton and Sussex Medical School, University of Sussex, United Kingdom and a Senior Researcher at the United Nations University's Institute for Environment and Human Security, Germany

2. Professor of Climate Change and Society at the University of Sussex United Kingdom

3. Research Fellow at the Institute of Development Studies United Kingdom

4. Head of Section at the United Nations University's Institute for Environment and Human Security Germany

5. Programme Coordinator at the International Centre for Climate Change and Development Bangladesh

6. Environmental Consultant and the Lead Planner at the CNMI (Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands) Office of Planning and Development United States

7. Associate Professor at the University of the Philippines the Philippines

8. PhD candidate at Maseno University Kenya




General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Social Sciences

Reference57 articles.

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3. Factors affecting the evacuation decisions of coastal households during Cyclone Aila in Bangladesh;Ahsan M.N.;Environmental Hazards,2016

4. Measuring people's preferences for cyclone vulnerability reduction measures in Bangladesh;Asgary A.;Disaster Prevention and Management: An International Journal,2011

5. Ayeb-Karlsson S. G.Fox andD.Kniveton(2019) ‘Embracing uncertainty: a discursive approach to understanding pathways for climate adaptation in Senegal’.Regional Environmental Change.https://doi.org/10.1007/s10113-019-01495-7(last accessed on 27 June 2019).








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