1. Identification of new allergenic constituents and proof of evidence for coniferyl benzoate in Balsam of Peru
2. 3. Caceres de Olivares M. Balsamo para vivir (available from http://www.elsalvador.com/hablemos/Ediciones/150701/medioambiente.htm).
3. 4. Balsam of Peru .The Cayce Herbal: A Comprehensive Guide to the Botanical Medicine of Edgar Cayce(available from http://www.meridianinstitute.com/echerb/Files/1balsamp.html).
4. 5. T H. Everett, The New York Botanical Garden Illustrated Encyclopedia of Horticulture , Vol. 7 : New York, Garland Publishing Inc, 1981 : pp. 2265 -2266 .