1. CHIP (Centre for Health and Infectious Disease Research); Department of Infectious Diseases, Section 2100, Rigshospitalet - University of Copenhagen; Copenhagen Denmark
2. Research Institute of Pulmonology and Pulmonary Tuberculosis; Minsk Belarus
3. Department of Infection and Population Health; University College London Medical School; London UK
4. TB Hospital #2; St Petersburg Russia
5. St Petersburg AIDS Centre; St Petersburg Russia
6. Centre for Sexual Health & HIV Research, Mortimer Market Centre; University College London; London UK
7. Infectious Diseases Service, Hospital Clinic; University of Barcelona; Barcelona Spain
8. Infectology Centre of Latvia; Riga Latvia
9. ‘Dr Victor Babes’ Hospital of Tropical and Infectious Diseases; Bucharest Romania
10. ‘Carol Davila’ University of Medicine and Pharmacy; Bucharest Romania
11. Department of Infectious Diseases; Bern University Hospital and University of Bern; Bern Switzerland
12. Department of Infectious Diseases and Hepatology; Medical University of Bialystok; Bialystok Poland
13. Infectious Diseases; AIDS and Clinical Immunology Research Center; Tbilisi Georgia
14. Institute of Infectious and Tropical Diseases; University of Brescia; Brescia Italy
15. King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust; London UK