1. Pediatric Ophthalmology Unit; Meyer Children's Hospital; University of Florence; Florence Italy
2. Metabolic Disease and Newborn Screening Clinical Unit; Neuroscience Department; Meyer Children's Hospital; Florence Italy
3. Retinoblastoma Clinics; Oculogenetics Unit; Jules-Gonin Eye Hospital; Lausanne Switzerland
4. Paediatric Neurology Unit and Laboratories; Neuroscience Department; Meyer Children's Hospital; Florence Italy
5. Neuroscience, Psychology, Pharmacology and Child Health Department; University of Florence; Florence Italy
6. Neuroscience Department; Eye Clinic; University of Florence; Florence Italy
7. Center for Molecular Disease; University Hospital of Vaudois; Lausanne Switzerland
8. Diagnostic Imaging Department; Meyer Children's Hospital; Florence Italy
9. Department of Pediatric Neuroanesthesia and Neuro Intensive Care Unit (ICU); Meyer Children's Hospital; Florence Italy