1. BIOGECO INRA University of Bordeaux 33615 Pessac France
2. PIAF INRA University of Clermont‐Auvergne 63100 Clermont‐Ferrand France
3. Western Sydney University Hawkesbury Institute for the Environment Richmond NSW 2753 Australia
4. Ulm University Institute of Systematic Botany and Ecology Albert‐Einstein‐Allee 11 89081 Ulm Germany
5. Faculty of Forestry and Wood Sciences Czech University of Life Sciences Kamýcká 129 165 00 Praha 6 – Suchdol Czech Republic
6. Instituto de Recursos Naturales y Agrobiología de Sevilla (IRNAS, CSIC) Avenida Reina Mercedes, 10 41012 Sevilla Spain
7. Synchrotron SOLEIL L'Orme de Merisiers 91190 Saint‐Aubin – BP48 Gif‐sur‐Yvette Cedex France
8. CNRS University of Bordeaux UMS 3626 Placamat F‐33608 Pessac France
9. INRA UR629 Ecologie des Forêts Méditerranéennes (URFM) F‐84914 Avignon France