1. Department of Environmental Science Institute for Water and Wetland Research Radboud University Nijmegen the Netherlands
2. Integrative Ecology Group Estación Biológica de Doñana (EBD‐CSIC) Sevilla Spain
3. PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency The Hague the Netherlands
4. Université Grenoble Alpes, CNRS, University of Savoie Mont Blanc LECA, Laboratoire d’Écologie Alpine Grenoble France
5. School of Environmental Sciences University of Guelph Guelph Ontario Canada
6. Department of Theoretical and Applied Science University of Insubria Varese Italy
7. Systems Ecology Department of Ecological Science Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam the Netherlands
8. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Matemáticas Universidad del Rosario Bogota Colombia
9. School of Animal, Plant and Environmental Sciences University of the Witwatersrand Johannesburg South Africa
10. Forestry Department Santa Catarina State University Lages Brazil
11. Department of Botany University of Wyoming Laramie WY USA
12. Department of Geobotany Moscow Lomonosov State University Moscow Russia
13. CREAF, Vallès Catalonia Spain
14. CSIC, Global Ecology Unit CREAF‐CEAB‐UAB Catalonia Spain
15. Forest Ecology and Forest Management Group Wageningen University and Research Wageningen the Netherlands
16. Environmental Biology Department Institute of Environmental Sciences Leiden University Leiden the Netherlands
17. National Research Council Institute of Research on Terrestrial Ecosystems (CNR‐IRET) Monterotondo Italy