1. Center for Global Health; Istituto Superiore di Sanità; Rome Italy
2. Center for Disease Analysis; CDA Foundation | Polaris Observatory; Lafayette CO USA
3. Department of Experimental and Clinical Medicine; Interdepartmental Centre MASVE; University of Florence; Florence Italy
4. Internal Medicine; Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine University of Pisa and Liver Unit; Pisa University Hospital; Pisa Italy
5. Department of Internal Medicine; University Hospital of Messina; Messina Italy
6. Infectious and Tropical Diseases Unit; Umberto I Hospital; Sapienza University; Rome Italy
7. Department of Gastroenterology; University Hospital of Bari; Bari Italy
8. Department of Gastroenterology; University Hospital of Padua; Padua Italy
9. Department of Infectious Disease; Ospedali Riuniti; Foggia Italy
10. Liver and Gastroenterology Unit; ASST Santi Paolo e Carlo; Milan Italy
11. Liver Unit; University of Cagliari; Cagliari Italy
12. Department of Infectious Disease; S.M. Annunziata Hospital; Florence Italy
13. Department of Infectious Disease; Niguarda Hospital; Milan Italy
14. Hepatitis Center; Niguarda Hospital; Milan Italy
15. Department of Infectious Disease; University Hospital of Padua; Padua Italy
16. Department of Hepatology; San Gerardo Hospital; Monza Italy
17. Department of Infectious Disease; Arcispedale Santa Maria Nuova; Reggio Emilia Italy
18. Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology; Fondazione IRCCS Cà Granda Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico; University of Milan; Milan Italy
19. Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology; San Giuseppe Hospital; Milan Italy
20. Department of Hepatology and Gastroenterology; Università della Campania Luigi Vanvitelli; Naples Italy
21. Department of Infectious Disease and Hepatology; University of Parma; Parma Italy
22. Gastoenterology Unit; Città della Salute e della Scienza-Ospedale Molinette; Turin Italy
23. Department of Infectious Disease; Federico II University; Naples Italy
24. Department of Hepatology; University of Bologna; Bologna Italy
25. Gastroenterology Unit; Federico II University; Naples Italy
26. Department of Internal Medicine and Hepatology; University of Salerno; Salerno Italy
27. Liver Unit; University Hospital of Verona; Verona Italy
28. Internal Medicine; Villa Sofia-Cervello Hospital; Palermo Italy
29. Department of Infectious Disease; San Gerardo Hospital; Monza Italy
30. Department of Internal Medicine and Gastroenterology; Catholic University of Rome; Rome Italy
31. Department of Hepatology; Gragnano Hospital; Naples Italy
32. Infectious Diseases; Department of Mental and Physical Health and Preventive Medicine; Università della Campania Luigi Vanvitelli; Naples Italy
33. Division of Gastroenterology; Istituto di Ricovero e Cura a Carattere Scientifico; Casa Sollievo Sofferenza Hospital; San Giovanni Rotondo, Foggia Italy
34. Italian Medicines Agency (AIFA); Rome Italy
35. Gastroenterolgy and Liver Unit; DiBiMIS; University of Palermo; Palermo Italy