The association between attitude towards facemasks, quality of donation experience and relationship with healthcare providers: A cross‐sectional exploratory study


Bani Marco1ORCID,Ardenghi Stefano12,Russo Selena1,Zorzi Federico13,Rampoldi Giulia1,Del Greco Alexia4,Caputo Alessandra1,Giussani Barbara5,Magri Erica5,Strepparava Maria Grazia16


1. School of Medicine and Surgery University of Milano‐Bicocca Monza Italy

2. Complex Operative Unit of Specialized Rehabilitation Fondazione IRCCS San Gerardo dei Tintori Monza Italy

3. Department of Pedagogy Psychology, and Philosophy, University of Cagliari Cagliari Italy

4. Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences University of Milano‐Bicocca Milan Italy

5. AVIS Provinciale Bergamo Bergamo Italy

6. Department of Mental Health Clinical Psychology Unit, Fondazione IRCCS San Gerardo dei Tintori Monza Italy


AbstractBackground and ObjectivesFacemasks represent an essential measure of prevention against the spread of infectious diseases; however, they lessen the ability to convey and understand emotions through facial expressions. In blood donation settings, facemask wearing could interfere with professionals' tasks, reduce the satisfaction of blood donors and affect their future blood donation behaviour. This preliminary cross‐sectional study explored the association of mandatory facemask wearing with the quality of the blood donation process at the end of the coronavirus 2019 (COVID‐19) pandemic.Materials and MethodsA sample of 615 voluntary unpaid Italian blood and plasma donors completed an online survey assessing their attitude towards facemask wearing, the perceived distress due to facemasks in the different steps of the donation process, self‐reported vasovagal reactions after donation and the intention to donate again.ResultsNearly 24% of donors reported a worsened quality of the donation process due to facemask wearing, and 36% reported moderate to severe distress during the donation itself. Donors with a more negative attitude towards facemasks reported a worse donation experience, mainly related to the interactions and the communication with physicians and nurses, and a higher probability of experiencing vasovagal reactions at their last donation. No significant correlations were observed between negative facemask attitudes towards facemask wearing, distress or future intention to donate blood/plasma.ConclusionFacemasks have worsened the quality of blood and plasma donations for one fourth of donors, confirming the interference with the quality of communications and relationships with healthcare professionals.


Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca









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